

破茧 上海喜玛拉雅美术馆


The Secret Garden



Artist: Wang Lintong


Curator: Dai Zhuoqun

时间:2023年11月11日 - 12月17日

Date: 2023.11.11 – 12.17


Location: Hall C, Floor 3, Himalayas Museum, No.869, Yinghua Road, Pudong District, Shanghai



Exhibition Overview


沙沙作响二, 100×150cm, 布面油彩, 2020 ©王临潼

Cloak and Breeze No.2, 100×150cm, Oil on canvas, 2020 ©Wang Lintong

秘密花园, 140×180cm×2, 布面油彩, 2022 ©王临潼

Secret Garden, 140×180cm×2, Oil on canvas, 2022 ©Wang Lintong

Wang Lintong’s solo exhibition The Secret Garden will be shown in Hall 3C of the Shanghai Himalayas Museum from November 11th to December 17th, 2023. This exhibition is one of the solo exhibitions launched by Shanghai Himalayas Museum's academic project "Cocoon-break · Himalayas Young Artists Series Solo Exhibitions", Wang Lintong is the focus of this project. Immeasurable shades of white, grey, and black are the first and immediate impression one would have when viewing Wang Lintong’s work for the very first time. His monochrome paintings, primarily the “white” paintings, with their subtlety of expression and appearance allure the audience to approach and observe from a closer distance. The simplicity of tone strips all unnecessary information from the work, bringing the focus solely onto the imagery, the concept, and the message in each work.

祈祷的少年 No.1, 50×50cm, 综合材料, 2022 ©王临潼

Praying Youth No.1, 50×50cm, Mixed media, 2022 ©Wang Lintong

克尔伯洛斯的花园, 100×100cm, 综合材料, 2022 ©王临潼

Garden of Cerberus, 100×100cm, Mixed media, 2022 ©Wang Lintong


Memories, contradiction, metaphor, and fable intrigue Wang Lintong, and the action of painting is his way of narrating and storytelling. Painting, for as far back as he can remember, brought him nourishment and inspiration, through acute observation of contemporary society and the people within it and himself.


微光, 140×180cm×2, 布面油彩, 2020 ©王临潼

Glimmer, 140×180cm×2, Oil on canvas, 2020 ©Wang Lintong

消失的时间, 100×150cm, 布面油彩, 2022 ©王临潼

The Disappearing Time, 100×150cm, Oil on canvas, 2022 ©Wang Lintong

Over time, our memories alter themselves, and seemingly solid facts become elusive and distorted. The images in our minds have faded, and multiple events often morph into single moments. Wang Lintong's "white" paintings echo the metamorphosis of memory. Over time, the artist applies layers upon layers of white oil paint to a dark image, and it gets "diluted" and becomes a "faded" image of its original version. The action of repeated layering, as time works its magic in our minds, is quiet and unnoticeable at the time, but looking back, its effect has indisputably appeared in front of us.

海边的礁石 No.4, 78.7×108.6cm, 纸本丙烯、水彩, 2023 ©王临潼

Stone by the Sea No.4, 78.7×108.6cm, Acrylic and watercolor on paper, 2023 ©Wang Lintong


Some of Wang Lintong’s works are social commentary, and some serve as answers to his questions. He is fascinated with using imagery as a metaphor; he believes in the efficiency and directness of images in conveying complex ideas and emotions, where words might have failed him. Using metaphor and fable allows him to cut through the thickness of the outer phenomena and reach for the core of meaning without being blunt. The subtle meaning and nuance are embedded within the works.


The Secret Garden will present nearly 30 works created by Wang Lintong in different periods. It is a staged review of the artist's creative career and is curated by Dai Zhuoqun.



About Artist

王临潼, 1984年生于陕西省, 先后于2006、2011年获得西安美术学院学士与硕士学位。毕业后从事专业艺术创作多年,自2007起广泛在国内及国外参展。他的近期个展包括:记忆岛,ART LABOR画廊,上海(2023);显现的影,ART LABOR画廊,上海(2022);珊瑚白,制图术、隐身衣,以及沙沙作响,西安美术馆,西安(2021);空山,妙有艺术,北京(2006)。他的近期群展包括:夏日插电,ART LABOR画廊,上海(2021);元章见石II,一票人票空间&画库,台北(2021);花园,妙有艺术,北京(2019);东方来信——Inter- Youth国际青年绘画展,中国美术学院美术馆,杭州(2018);子午线——当代中国艺术家纸上作品展,Volcano剧院,英国威尔士(2018);陕西省现代文化艺术节,陕西省美术博物馆,西安(2017);城墙之外——西安当代艺术巡展,湖北美术馆,武汉 / 成都蓝顶美术馆,成都(2017)。王临潼现工作居住于西安。

WANG LINTONG, born in Shaanxi Province in 1984, graduated with his BA and MA degrees from the Xi’an Academy of Fine Art in 2006 and 2011. Wang has been a professional artist since his MA graduation. He has been exhibiting at home and aboard since 2007. His recent solo exhibitions include Memory of Island, The Visible Thoughts, ART LABOR Gallery, Shanghai (2023); ART LABOR Gallery, Shanghai (2022); The Coral Bleaching, Draftsmanship, Cloak and Breeze, Xi’an Art Museum, Xi’an (2021); The Nihility of Mountain, MOU Art, Beijing (2016). His recent selected group exhibitions include Electric Picnic, ART LABOR Gallery, Shanghai (2021); Yuanzhang Appreciates Stones II, Piao Piao Gallery, Taipei (2021); @riginal: Inter-Youth Painting Exhibition, Art Museum of China Academy of Fine Art, Hangzhou (2019); Meridian: Contemporary Chinese Works on Paper, Volcano Theatre, Swansea Wales, UK (2018); Modern Culture and Art Festival, Shaanxi Province Art Museum, Xi’an (2017); Breaking the Barrier: Xi’an Contemporary Art Exhibition, Hubei Museum of Art, Wuhan / Blue Roof Museum, Chengdu (2017). Wang Lintong currently lives and works in Xi’an.



About Curator


DAI ZHUOQUN, independent curator, art critic, lives and works in Beijing. He was the founder of Contemporary Art Magazine in 2007, served as editor and art director. In 2009, Dai launched and jointly organized the "Warm Winter Plan"--Beijing safeguard art rights, which became one of the most significant art events in recent years. He cooperates with a number of art institutions, colleges and Museums of fine arts, planning exhibitions and giving lectures. Meanwhile, he frequently writes for domestic and international professional journals and publications. The exhibitions he curated includes:  "The Awakening of Things”,"Superfluous Things" series projects, "Civilization" series projects,“Brushwork and True Feeling”,” New Expression of Beijing”,”Free Prism Video Wave”,“The Circular Impact: Video Art 21”.


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